Artificial Intelligence for Energy AI, energy applications, smart grids
Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science
Bioinformatics bioinformatics, genomics, computational methods, algorithm design
Distributed and Embodied Computing In Dynamic Environments distributed computing, embodied computing, generative AI, cognitive control, distributed perception and control
DESIGN high-speed high-frequency (opto-)electronic circuits and systems
Discover network intrusion, cloud, edge, IoT, AI, AR, VR, XR, scalable AI data, Gamification
Electromagnetics electomagnetics
iLab.t research infrastructure, testbeds
Impactful Applied Computing Technologies sports data science, cultural heritage, healthcare, media
Intelligent Wireless Networking wireless, networking
Knowledge on Web Scale web, semantic web, data, knowledge, web API
IDLab-MEDIA multimedia signal processing, multimedia forensics, motion-based XR, AI-based visual understanding
Network Modeling network, modeling, graphs, routing, optimization, software-based networking
Predictive Diagnostics through Contextual and Trustworthy AI machine learning, hybrid AI, predictive maintenance, predictive healthcare
Quantum Mechanical & Electromagnetic Systems Modelling Lab Quantum mechanical modelling, electromagnetic systems modelling
Surogate Modelling Lab surrogate modeling
Text to Knowledge NLP, information extraction, conversational agents, language technology
Techno-Economics cost models, business models, cost allocation, value networks
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