Best Student Paper Award at PIERS2023


Maxim Torreele was awarded the Best Student Paper Award at the 2023 Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS2023) for the paper “An ADHIE-TDDFT Method for the EM/QM Co-simulation of Coupled 1-D Nanowires

About PIERS2023

PIERS: PhotonIcs and Electromagnetics Research Symposium, also known as Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, provides an international forum for reporting progress and recent advances in the scientific theories and experiments and the technologies of electromagnetics and photonics. PIERS is sponsored by The Electromagnetics Academy.

PIERS2023 was held on 3-6 July 2023 in Prague, Czech Republic.

About the paper topic

Over the past years, the rapid increase in device functionality and miniaturization has stimulated the demand for novel topologies and materials. One such trend is the emergence of one-dimensional nanostructures in electronic components. Given the embryonic stage of these applications, adequate modeling tools should be developed to investigate the structures’ intricate dynamics. This encompasses the interplay of the charge carriers, described by the laws of quantum mechanics (QM), with external and self-generated electromagnetic (EM) fields. However, the EM/QM co-simulation of those systems is challenging owing to the multiscale and multiphysics aspects of the problem. In this work, we improve upon existing modeling techniques by invoking an alternating-direction hybrid implicit-explicit (ADHIE) scheme for the EM potentials. The dynamics of the charge carriers in the quantum system are described through the time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) formalism, discretized on the real-space grid. The new technique is put to the test by considering the near-field coupling between two nanowires. Compared with a conventional Yee-based approach, the proposed ADHIE-TDDFT method demonstrates similar accuracy, while reducing the computation time by more than a factor of five.

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