Didier Colle received a M. Sc. degree in electrical engineering (option: communications) from the Ghent University in 1997. Since then, he has been working at the same university as researcher in the department of Information Technology (INTEC). He is part of the research group INTEC Broadband Communication Networks (IBCN) headed by prof: Piet Demeester. His research lead to a Ph.D degree in February 2002. He was granted a postdoctoral scholarship from the Institute for the Promotion of Innovation through Science and Technology in Flanders (IWT-Vlaanderen) in the period 2003-2004. Currently, he is co-responsible for the research cluster on network modelling, design and evaluation and is coordinating the research on fixed internet architectures and optical networks.

His research deals with design and planning of communication networks. This work is focussing on optical transport networks, to support the next-generation Internet. Up till now, he has actively been involved in several national and international research projects. His work has been published in more than 250 scientific publications in international conferences and journals.



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