Shielded Measurements

The EM Lab offers state-of-the-art equipment and measurement capabilities for radiation and EMC tests.

Radiation pattern measurements of (active) antennas is possible in both RF and mmWave frequency bands. The NSI-700S-30 system, in combination with Agilent N5242A 4-port PNA-X Vector Network Analyser, VDI VNA-x range extenders, enables both near field (ideal for electrically large antennas) and far field measurements in a very wide frequency range: from 800MHz up to 170 GHz.

A Rohde and Schwarz FSV40 Spectrum Analyser with external 60 GHz mixer can be used for transmission measurements in our full anechoic chamber (dimensions of the shielded room: 8.1m x 3.9m x 3.6m), over a transmission length of 4 to 5m (quiet zone diameter 1m). Scientific Atlanta Standard Gain Horns (SGH) are used as transmitter antenna. For polarization measurements, the transmitting SGH is mounted on an Orbit/FR AL-360-1P Polarization Positioner placed on a TX Antenna Mast covered with radiation absorbing material (RAM). For 3D radiation pattern measurements, the antennas are mounted on the dielectric belt-driven rotator mast (AL-DBDR-3g), able to rotate a load up to 12kg along azimuth and roll.

The EM measurement equipment Supporting test equipment is available for relevant experimentation and testing, such as

  • VNA: 4 port up to 26.5 GHz
  • VDI VNA-x mmWave range extenders & upconverters: 55 GHz to 170 GHz
  • Rohde and Schwarz FSV40 Spectrum Analyser with external 60 GHz mixer
  • Oscilloscopes

Wireless test beds: Signalion, NI Ettus, UWB testbed


  • Flex5Gware (EU H2020): Flexible and efficient hardware/software platforms for 5G network elements and devices
  • TRANSIMIC: (FWO R&D Project) New Analysis and Design Methods for Transient Immunity of Automotive Modules and Integrated Circuits
  • ICON LUNAR (imec.icon): Localization based on Ultra wide band technology: optimizing Network protocols, Antennas and localization algorithms for the Retail industry
  • WiPE: Wireless Power Transmission for Sustainable Electronics
  • BESTCOM: BElgian network on STochastic modelling, analysis, design and optimization of COMmunication systems

Key publications

  • S. Lemey, F. Declercq, and H. Rogier, “Textile antennas as hybrid energy harvesting platforms”, Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 102, no. 11, pp. 1833–1857, Nov. 2014.
  • S. Agneessens, and H. Rogier, “Compact Half Diamond Dual-Band Textile HMSIW On body Antenna”, IEEE Trans. on Antennas Propag. , vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 2374–2381, May 2014.
  • S. Lemey, S. Agneessens, P. Van Torre, K. Baes, J. Vanfleteren, and H. Rogier, “Wearable, flexible, light-weight modular RFID tag with integrated energy harvester”, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 64, no. 7, pp. 2304–2314, DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2016.2573274, Jul. 2016.


EM electromagnetism testbed RF mmWave
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