Multi-hop battery-free sensor networks powered by energy harvesters


What if we could eliminate batteries from wireless sensor networks?

With the rapid growth of IoT devices, the cost and environmental impact of replacing billions of batteries is unsustainable. That's why alternative solutions, like energy harvesting, are essential.

As part of the IoBaLeT (Internet of Battery-Less Things) project, we've developed several innovative solutions for battery-free IoT devices, focusing primarily on end devices. A critical advancement in our project is a solution for intermediary devices in multi-hop wireless sensor networks, paving the way for fully battery-free, sustainable, and maintenance-free networks.

Check out the demo on our YouTube channel, showing how our centralized system monitors the energy status of battery-free devices, dynamically adjusts energy consumption, prevents failures, and reroutes traffic based on energy availability.

Thanks to all contributing researchers and coordinators: Prof. Eli De Poorter, Prof. Jeroen Famaey, Prof. Jeroen Hoebeke, and Dr. ir. Dries Van Leemput.

IoT battery-free energy
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